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  • Writer's pictureDarlene Versak

Super Flower Moon-Starting Anew

I set my glass of water outside on the table covered in plastic wrap. The moon was rising.

Hello Super Flower Moon! A moon travelling close to the earth looks huge in our night sky. I stopped what I was doing to marvel at its beauty. A swirl of clouds surrounded it, as the moon stood illuminated in the night sky. It’s called a Flower Moon as the rebirthing of life has begun. Spring is here in full earnest. The past is let go. It’s time for a fresh start. It’s a time of endings and new beginnings. We are given the opportunity to let go of old patterns and ways of being to choose anew. A new season is here. This particular moon was also a lunar eclipse. The moon, the sun and the earth were all in alignment for a brief time. An opportunity given for us to pause and pivot.

It's time for the major release of old patterns, beliefs and ways of being. The fact that Mercury is Retrograde at the same time, throws a monkey wrench into it and slows it down. Delays, perceived difficulties and miscommunication happen, and it can delay the letting go or the starting new. However, the fresh start is always available for us to choose. It might be a bumpy ride for you. It has been for me. I remember to breathe, and trust that Love has my back. Love has your back too. Rock and roll experienced. It’s a shaking loose of the past, so the new can take root and grow. When the turbulence hits, remember to breathe, as this too shall pass.

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