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  • darleneann333

Following the breadcrumbs - A morning in a life

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

The sunlight streams in my room. Alerting me to a new day. Hey, wake up! Sleepyhead, open those eyes. The light beckons again. Eventually, I concede. I do need to open my eyes. I remember the lesson I'm working on: Wake up in the morning and when you first open your eyes ask yourself - What is it I desire? In this moment, what is it? No judgment. Write down whatever images come to mind in a minute or so of contemplating. Written down. Repeat. What do I desire now? Think. Repeat for five minutes or so.

I get the concept of what I'm practicing, getting in touch with what I desire. We create from our desires. It's interesting as images come up how judgment descends quickly on some of those images. I'm surprised when I loosen the leash on my thoughts about desire what arises. The idea is to take judgment out of the equation. Allow the clouds to cross the sky and witness them. Look at them. Do this for a week. Seven days of witnessing desire first thing in the morning. Then at the end of it, look through all the desires written down and see if there are any repeating patterns. See what keeps coming up as a nudge.

The repeating nudges can then be contemplated. Canoodled in your brain. Pondered.

What lies within our hearts? What unheard desires have been percolating beneath the surface or behind a closed door? What am I not telling myself the truth about? When I take the judgment out of desire, what's left is me witnessing myself being drawn toward or away from something, someone or some place. A vision of what could be fills in the blanks.

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