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  • darleneann333

The Gift of Simplicity

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

Distilling the complex, breaking down something into components and working through each piece, this is the gift of simplicity. Our world is full of complexity. There are many things that I think “needs be done.” But, do they really? On any given day, I may have a long “to do” list. I strive to accomplish much. And yet, what really needs to be done? Have I scheduled any moments to “be”? Do I allow myself to pause?

Somewhere in time, I forgot that I get to choose what I do with my time. I am the decider. I get to create my life not be run by it. When did I compromise the vision of my life for what I ought to do, what I should do? Shoulda, coulda, woulda are words that come to us in hindsight. Later on, perhaps it’s five minutes, perhaps its five years. If I’m lamenting something that happened back in time, I remember the invitation to forgive myself for what I shoulda, coulda, woulda done different and accept what I chose at the time. I did so with the best information available. This version of me, the one who evolved from a previous version and has gained wisdom along the way with trial and error, cannot judge a previous version of myself. That would be like me berating myself as a toddler as I fall while learning to walk. No, with tenderness and encouragement I cheer myself on, as I am always learning and growing. I have stopped peeing on my own corn flakes. Beating myself up accomplishes nothing and makes me feel bad. Let that shit go!

Now, I ask my ego to help me with simplicity. Show me what I’m unaware of with kindness. Help me see the easiest way to do something. What would Love do in this situation? And it all starts with a pause. A breath, slowly breathed in, then out that brings my heart to the forefront. A breath that gives me a few seconds to respond versus react. A breath that allows me to hold onto my power instead of giving it away.

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